Adele Gerard Tinning
For the last seventy-two years of her eighty-three year life, Adele Tinning was chosen to personally bring the message of “God’s Way of Life” to the world, to those in need, and to the seekers of the truths of life. Through her teachings, her inspirational writings, and through the “tipping of the table”, Adele brought messages from our Master teachers and Spirit Guides.
Among the tens of thousands of people who came to visit Adele were such persons as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Shirley Maclain, and many others. In her book "It's All In The Dance", Shirley MacLain described Adele as "one of the kindliest womenI have ever met..., a talented medium, who made the table tip and dance around the room..."
Adele Gerard Tinning, has been described as "an angel", "a miracle worker", "a talented medium", "a spiritual healer", "a master teacher" and "an inspirational guide, bringing peace, healing, spiritual guidance and an awareness to tens of thousands of people from the Master teachers and guides on the "other side". These Master teachers are there to help and guide us throughout our lives here on this plane of existence.
To Adele, "all was for a learning, and a learning only". Every circumstance in life, every person we meet, every adversity and every opportunity to spread happiness, was created by us and those around us for the lesson to be learned in our journey to perfection and truth.